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Where The World Can Find Rapid Response "bollards
"For Less !!
Protect your
facilities and deny access to secured areas.

In Many gated
areas the close response time of a slide gate is not fast enough to prevent
tailgaters from entering restricted areas. For this a Barrier can be activated
to go up, once the exit loop is crossed on entry, coming throught the slide gate
preventing any further unauthorized vehicles to enter without the proper
clearance. operated by Card access, key pad entry etc.
With our
systems integration expertise, our software can provides you with online
security device status and controls.
Systems will
interface with existing or new applications such as keypads, card readers, loop
detectors, and other traffic control and monitoring systems.
System installation includes onsite hardware
and software, direct or wireless communications with security devices and
central system reporting and management of multiple sites

Security Barriers
Easy to install systems
No Pump Station needed
Integrated battery backup
Easy to maintain
Solar powered
Self contained
Low power requirment
Decorative Bollards
LED lighting
The Security Products Unlimited Model
400 retractable vehicle barriers were developed through
a Department of Defense research grant to provide
complete area denial and perimeter security protection.
Certified by the United States Department of State to
stop a 15,000 lb. vehicle traveling at 50 mph., the
K12-rated Model 400 barriers are used as the first line
of defense for valuable assets. These innovative
barriers are self-contained, eliminating the need for a
central pump station and making the barriers uniquely
easy to install, operate and maintain.
- Engineered to stop a 30,000 lb. (13608 Kg) vehicle
traveling at 50 mph (80 kph)
- No Central Pump Station needed
- High-strength steel pylon withstands high-speed
vehicle impacts with minimal or no damage
- Self-contained, independent hydraulic power system
in each barrier eliminates the need for a central
hydraulic pump station and underground lines
- Rapid-response barriers fully deploy in 6 seconds
in normal operation mode and in less than 2 seconds in
optional emergency operation mode
- Low power requirement - control box on 110VAC or
solar power, underground pylons on 24VDC - provides
easy and low-cost operation
- Integrated bilge pump, sealed motor housing, and
all-weather hydraulic fluid provide environmental
protection and ensure reliable operation in extreme
- Independent battery back up system in each barrier
ensures reliable operation during power outages
- Engineered, pre-fabricated, steel-reinforced
foundation make installation of barriers quick, easy
and cost-effective - simply dig, trench or directional
bore, position unit, connect power and controls, and
pour concrete
- Self-leveling installation braces allow the
barriers to be installed and leveled from road grade
- Rapid-response barriers can be seamlessly
integrated with new or existing perimeter security and
facilities access equipment, including NIST Government
Smart Card access control systems, traffic signs and
loop detectors, motorized gate arms, digital video
networking systems, and a variety of other vehicle
sensors. Custom solutions can also be designed.
- Security Products Unlimited' rapid-response
barriers can be controlled and monitored through a
direct connection, or wirelessly utilizing high-speed
Ethernet radio or satellite
- Military facilities, embassies, airports, utility
plants, oil refineries, courthouses, ports, bridges
and tunnels, dams, water treatment facilities, office
buildings, data centers

Security Barriers
Easy to install systems
No Pump Station needed
Integrated battery backup
Easy to maintain
Solar powered
Self contained
Low power requirment
Decorative Bollards
LED lighting
The Security Products
Unlimited Model 300 retractable vehicle barriers were
developed through a Department of Defense research grant
to provide complete area denial and perimeter security
protection. Designed to stop a 15,000 lb. vehicle
traveling at 30 mph., the Model 300 barriers are used as
the first line of defense for valuable assets. These
innovative barriers are self-contained, eliminating the
need for a central hydraulic pump station and making the
barriers uniquely easy to install, operate and maintain.
- Engineered to stop a 15,000 lb. (6804 Kg) vehicle
traveling at 30 mph (48 kph)
- No Central Pump Station needed
- High-strength steel pylon withstands vehicle
impacts with minimal or no damage
- Self-contained, independent hydraulic power system
in each barrier eliminates the need for a central
hydraulic pump station and underground lines
- Rapid-response barriers fully deploy in 6 seconds
in normal operation mode and in less than 2 seconds in
optional emergency operation mode
- Low power requirement - control box on 110VAC or
solar power, underground pylons on 24VDC - provides
easy and low-cost operation
- Integrated bilge pump, sealed motor housing, and
all-weather hydraulic fluid provide environmental
protection and ensure reliable operation in extreme
- Independent battery back up system in each barrier
ensures reliable operation during power outages
- Engineered, pre-fabricated, steel-reinforced
foundation make installation of barriers quick, easy
and cost-effective - simply dig, trench or directional
bore, position unit, connect power and controls, and
pour concrete
- Self-leveling installation braces allow the
barriers to be installed and leveled from road grade
- Rapid-response barriers can be seamlessly
integrated with new or existing perimeter security and
facilities access equipment, including NIST Government
Smart Card access control systems, traffic signs and
loop detectors, motorized gate arms, digital video
networking systems, and a variety of other vehicle
sensors. Custom solutions can also be designed.
- Security Products Unlimited' rapid-response
barriers can be controlled and monitored through a
direct connection, or wirelessly utilizing high-speed
Ethernet radio or satellite
Typical applications:
- Airports, shopping malls, courthouses, ports,
bridges and tunnels, dams, water treatment facitilies,
office buildings, data centers

Control Barriers
Easy to install systems
No Pump Station needed
Integrated battery backup
Easy to maintain
Solar powered
Self contained
Low power requirment
Decorative Bollards
LED lighting
The Security Products Unlimited Model 100 retractable
traffic control barriers were developed as a safe and
easy way to redirect traffic. Designed to withstand the
punishment of repeated impacts, the Model 100 barriers
are used in situations where repetitive changes in lane
usage or traffic flow patterns are required. The
state-of-the-art barriers are housed in self-contained
cartridges recessed in the ground and are uniquely easy
to install, operate and maintain.
- Flexible, highly durable polymeric material
withstands repeated vehicle impacts
- Self-contained, recessed cartridge can be easily
raised or lowered as desired
- Unique patented smooth bore drive system protects
motor from impact damage during operation
- Integrated bilge pump, sealed motor housing, and
optional rubber encapsulated heaters provide
environmental protection in extreme climates
- Self-leveling installation braces allow the
barriers to be installed and leveled from road grade
- Low power requirement - control box on 110VAC or
solar power, underground pylons on 24VDC - provides
easy and low-cost operation
- Easy to install barriers reduce project
installation costs - simply dig, trench or directional
bore, position unit, connect power and controls, and
pour concrete
- Retractable barriers can be seamlessly integrated
with new or existing perimeter security and facilities
access equipment, including NIST Government Smart Card
access control systems, traffic signs and loop
detectors, motorized gate arms, digital video
networking systems, and a variety of other vehicle
sensors. Custom solutions can also be designed.
- Security Products Unlimited' retractable barriers
can be controlled and monitored through a direct
connection, or wirelessly utilizing high-speed
Ethernet radio or satellite
Typical applications:
- toll collection lanes, weigh stations, parking
lots, tunnel and bridge entrances, railroad crossings,
HOV lanes and reversible lanes.

Design &
Ethernet controllers
Up / down deployment
Solar panels
Control /battery box
Keypad tampering
Low battery condition
Custom designs
Security Products Unlimited' system design and
engineering services provide clients with a wide range
of custom security and traffic control and monitoring
solutions to help provide integrated protection for
facilities, assets and people. Utilizing solid-state
controls and cutting edge communication technologies,
Security Products Unlimited' systems can be designed to
seamlessly integrate perimeter security and facility
access control systems, including NIST Government Smart
Card access control systems, traffic signs and loop
detectors, motorized gate arms, digital video networking
systems, and a variety of other vehicle sensors with
existing access control systems.
Notable features:
Security Products Unlimited' flexible control and
monitoring systems can be operated through a direct
connection, or wirelessly utilizing high-speed ethernet
radio or satellite.
Solid state controls seamlessly integrate with all
major perimeter security and facility access control
Ethernet controllers with a flexible communication
interface that utilizes TCP/IP, RS485, or RS232 offers
contact closures that provide customers the ability to
monitor elements including:
Barrier up/down deployment
Solar panel operation and cable continuity
Control/battery box tampering
Electrical enclosure acoustic/vibration tampering
Secure Electronic Keypad Integration
Low battery condition

Install &
Oversight services
Management services
System repair
System maintenance
24/7 support
Security Products Unlimited offers its customers a
complete menu of equipment installation and maintenance
services. Leveraging the expertise and resources of
National Realty, a 25-year old full-service reality and
construction management company, Security Products
Unlimited offers customers a suite of services ranging
from installation oversight to turnkey installation
management and system maintenance, service and support.
While Security Products Unlimited' traffic delineation
and vehicle barrier systems are extremely
low-maintenance by design, routine maintenance services
including brush replacement, electrical connection
checks, cylinder debris removal and system cycle tests
should be conducted to ensure that equipment stays in
excellent operating condition at all times.
Notable features:
Installation oversight services provide clients with
access to installation resources the expertise they
desire to ensure that their vehicle barrier and access
control system are installed properly
Installation management services provide clients
with a professional, hassle-free perimeter protection
installation experience -- every detail from the initial
site survey to the final activation and testing of the
system is arranged and managed
System repair and maintenance services provide
customers with the peace of mind of knowing that their
perimeter security system will be in excellent operating
condition at all times
24/7 engineering and technical support is available
to answer questions, troubleshoot, and arrange repair
and maintenance appointments whenever they are needed

Drive System
The rules have
The delineator was developed as a safe and easy way to
redirect traffic, especially where repetitive changes in lane usage or traffic
flow patterns are required.
Typical applications include toll collection
lanes, weigh stations, parking lots, tunnel and bridge entrances, railroad
crossings, special lanes and reversible lanes.
This amazing new structure eliminates crew exposure to hazardous situations
during traffic flow changes.
The delineator eliminates an
unsafe situation for workers while placing pylons, drums or vertical panels.
The strength
you need
The delineator is constructed of a durable,
flexible-channeling pylon that is housed in a self-contained cartridge recessed
in the ground. It is easily raised or lowered into the cartridge as needed. This
unique patent pending design withstands collisions with vehicles because of its
flexible pylon and drive system that utilizes a smooth bore shaft and linear
When bumped, pushed or hit, the motor drive system is protected by a linear
clutch, alleviating the need for repair or replacement, unlike some competitor
The efficiency
you demand
The delineator uses low power (24 volts) that results in easy
and low cost operation. It can be operated by our Its FM radio system, direct
connection or remote.
This alleviates the need for manual operation, which is time consuming, labor
intensive, and the Its-delineator keeps workers from harms way.
Each delineator can be individually controlled or as part of a
cluster of delineators, which takes commands from a single control unit.
Its delineator utilizes a patent pending, smooth bore drive system
that provides a working level of linear thrust needed to raise and lower the
pylon. It acts as a linear clutch by breaking free when the present load limit
is exceeded. When the downward thrust load exceeds the present limit, the pylon
and actuator slSecurity Products Unlimited downward on the shaft until the source of the download is
Operating in
Water, Winter and Debris
The motor housing of the Its-delineator is completely sealed from
the environment. The drive system and inner cartridge are designed to operate in
submersed conditions if necessary. The product can be equipped with optional 24V
foil heaters sealed in vulcanized rubber, which prevent ice accumulation with in
the product or above the product on the surface roadway. The delineator
is equipped with a thick, circular nylon brush, that encircles the pylon
periphery and prevents roadway debris from entering the product and fouling the
mechanical systems.

Model 300: Medium Security
Retractable Barrier

Designed to withstand the worst punishment and still protect your assets.
This delineator can be used for area denial
or as the first line of defense against attacks.
Easy to use and install, this could be the
answer you have been looking for.
Some of the features include:
Stops a 7,000 pound vehicle at 30 MPH
High-strength steel pylon
Independent hydraulic power system, no central pump station
Integrated battery back up
Integrated bilge pump and rubber encapsulated heater
All electro-mechanical components are located inside the sealed
Engineered, Pre-fabricated, Steel-reinforced foundation
Ease of installation
Dig, trench or directional bore, position unit, connect power and
controls, and pour concrete
Most adaptive installation system available - can adapt to a 10%
road grade
Low power requirement - control box on 110VAC, underground pylons
on 24VDC
Can be controlled by - simple UP/DOWN button, keypad access, card reader, direct
wire, phone, wireless or web-based interface. Or we can design a custom solution
for you.

Model 400:
Heavy Security Retractable Barrier
THE rapid response barrier
systems meet all military requirements for K-12 area denial and deploy in less
than six seconds. Unlike unsightly, bulky and hard to position Jersey Barriers,
our 400 Rapid Response Delineators hide in the ground, out of sight and mind
until you need to deny access to your assets and personnel.
Unbelievable yet true, at the press of a switch you have secured your assets in
less than six seconds with a sophisticated barrier able to stop a 30,000 lbs
vehicle (truck) traveling 50 miles per hour.
Built with the finest of
available technology today, this product has a long life and can be used
multiple times on a daily basis as a gate to control access (denial) to your
parking lot; to establish a perimeter around your warehouse or office building
in order to protect your people and assets from a possible terrorist attack.
Designed to withstand the worst punishment and still protect your assets. This
delineator can be used for area denial or as the first line of defense against
attacks. Easy to use and install, this is the answer you have been looking for.
And if used in conjunction with one of our Remote Management Solutions
This system becomes one of the most
powerful security tools you could ever own.
Some of the features include:
K-12 Certification - Stops a 15,000 pound vehicle at 50 MPH with a
safety factor of 2.
High-strength steel pylon
Independent hydraulic power system, no central pump station
Integrated battery back up
Integrated bilge pump and rubber encapsulated heater
All electro-mechanical components are located inside the sealed
Engineered, Pre-fabricated, Steel-reinforced foundation
Ease of installation
Dig, trench or directional bore, position unit, connect power and
controls, and pour concrete
Most adaptive installation system available - can adapt to a 10%
road grade
Low power requirement - control box on 110VAC, underground pylons
on 24VDC
Can be controlled by - simple UP/DOWN button, keypad access, card reader, direct
wire, phone, wireless or web-based interface. Or we can design a custom solution
for you.

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